2020 Hands Across the Border
Rotary Club of West Covina 2020 Hands Across the Border
President David Alfaro’s comments about the success of the 2020 Hands Across the Border trip
Our wonderful weekend in Baja California and the gathering with our Agua Caliente brethren as we met at a junior high school of about 260 students - the Escuela Secundario No. 61 Frontera Tijuana (Intermediate School #61 - Border Section of Tijuana) and then Partied to Celebrate The 40th anniversary of the Aqua Caliente Rotary Club. Thank The Good Lord for placing Jose and Marisela in a place some 35 years ago so that They would become trusted Friends with a couple of the members of the newly formed Agua Caliente Rotarians (one of which I know is named Rocky) - this meeting of Big Hearted Rotarians would lead to many outstanding events where Rotarians can do Incredible things - such as Helping many That need Help and this Weekend our efforts will begin to Help young students incredibly enhance their Education by having a Computer Classroom of Brand new 35 PC Towers, 35 Keyboards and 35 monitors. The Agua Caliente Rotarians have now set Up 8 such Computer classrooms - two of which have been named and dedicated in honor of The Rotary Club of West Covina!
PROUD is not a good enough word to be The Current President of The Rotary Club of West Covina! At 1pm on Saturday - Our Group of WC 9 met at The school for a Ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony as about 24 students and some school administrators along with the Agua Caliente Contingent honored and showered us with their praises and THANK YOU's! I have To Tell you These Young students are Impressive! They all wore crisp sharp Uniforms and all were well groomed and confident and seemed at ease with the mouse in their hands! It was a real treat to view this educational excitement!!
If you wish to support a 2020 Hands Across the Border make your tax-deductible check payable to: Rotary Club of West Covina-Foundation and write “HAB” in the memo field. Mail to Rotary Club of West Covina-Foundation, 396 So. California Ave. # 93, PO BOX 93, West Covina, CA 91793. The Rotary Club of West Covina-Foundation is a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Corporation EIN: 27-4691919.